
Birding in Peru

Alongside National Geographic and Audubon we have celebrated the Year of the Bird in 2018, to encourage all birders, experts and novices alike. 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. You may have seen us posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for the cause but birds are also a large part of the Inkaterra family, on site.
Birding at Inkaterra
The magnificent array of flora and fauna that call our properties home are looked after and cared for by all of the Inkaterra team. This conservation began with one of Inkaterra’s first reforestation projects in the late 1970s, intended to attract native birds in search of food, thus promoting the art of bird watching in Machu Picchu. The visiting birdwatchers become accomplished through observation and surveying local communities, collecting their knowledge of native flora.
The SACC found that there are 1,830 different species of birds in Peru, making it an exceptional place for bird watching. Throughout the country, there are several birding routes that you can explore to observe the variety of birds in their natural habitats.
Birding in Peru
One of the most adventurous routes allows you to wonder the ancient Inca trails, taking you to Machu Picchu to see species local to the Amazon Rainforest such as the White-Throated Toucan or the Andean Cock-of-the-rock. Both are native to the Tambopata National Reserve, south of the stunning Madre de Dios River. These fascinating multicoloured birds are visible at the Inkaterra properties along with 812 other species. The white-throated Toucan is particularly visible if you are staying in Inkaterra Reserva Amazónica, Inkaterra Hacienda Concepción or at the Inkaterra Guides Field Station during excursions.
When visiting Inkaterra Guides Field Station visitors can observe the unique ways in which ITA – Inkaterra Asociación – monitors the many different bird species present in Peru. One of the principal projects at the Guides Field Station is bird banding. This allows ITA to keep track of the species, with close observation made possible by motion-sensitive camera traps dotted around the property and surrounding forest. During a trip to the Guides Field Station, and other Inkaterra properties, guests are always delighted to discover a plethora of rare wildlife. A selection of the most exciting sightings can be viewed at inkaterra.com.
Guests enjoy birding at Inkaterra
Travelling around historic Cusco you can see an array of other Peruvian birds such as the Giant Hummingbird and the exquisite Golden-billed Saltator. These species and many others are unique to the area, and we love to see our passionate visitors gleefully discovering them for the first time. If you would like to find out more about Birding in Peru visit inkaterra.com and discover our birding calendar to know where to visit to see your favourite bird.