Search Results for: conservation

Earth Hour 2019

On Saturday 30th March, we will be taking part in the significant ‘La Hora del Planeta’ (Earth Hour) to make a contribution to helping the planet both environmentally and socially. Earth Hour is the largest global initiative championing environmental conservation, and this year the objective is even greater than before:⁣ ⁣To raise awareness of climate […]


Sustainable Farming at Inkaterra

With over 40 years of experience pursuing sustainable tourism initiatives, Inkaterra is well known for our positive approach to environmentally conscious travel. By preserving the environment surrounding our hotels, and educating guests and locals alike on the importance of conservation, we have always led the way when it comes to sustainability in hospitality. However, it […]


Six Sites to Discover in Peru

Returning to Peru or travelling here for the first time? Whether you have a trip planned or simply love reading about Peru’s rich history, read about six sites you may not have discovered in your travels to our beautiful country, and feed your wanderlust. Sites like Machu Picchu and Cusco are often the first port […]


Testimonial: Peter Wilson, British adventurer 

In December 2018, Inkaterra was extremely excited to welcome renowned British helicopter pilot and adventurer Peter Wilson to a number of Inkaterra hotels during his ‘Three Journeys Round’ project in Latin America. As part of Peter’s project he travelled with his whole family to Peru, and whilst here, enjoyed staying at four of our unique […]


2018 All Wrapped Up – Inkaterra’s Highlights

2018 was a very special year for us at Inkaterra and we are grateful for the support we have received. As we move into the new year, we would like to share some of our 2018 highlights; from the opening of Mayu Spa at Inkaterra Hacienda Urubamba to the return of Werner Herzog to Inkaterra […]


A Moment to Marvel: Momento Selva at Inkaterra Guides Field Station – Madre de Dios / Tambopata

From 27th to 30th November 2018, the entire Madre de Dios-Tambopata region of Peru celebrated the 2018 edition of Momento Selva. Momento Selva is an annual event, organised by world renown Chef, Virgilio Martínez, and dedicated to sustainability of local communities, culinary tradition, and the environment; bringing together chefs, academics, artisans and craftworkers, farmers and […]


A Seasonal Guide to Travelling in Peru

We have all heard the phrase, “four seasons in one day”, and when visiting Peru it is highly likely you might just experience this weather phenomenon. Due to the country’s highly changeable climate, unpredictability is the only predictable thing about Peruvian weather. However, if you are planning to explore the wonders of Cusco or the […]


Birding in Peru

Alongside National Geographic and Audubon we have celebrated the Year of the Bird in 2018, to encourage all birders, experts and novices alike. 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. You may have seen us posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for the cause but birds are also a large part […]


The History of the Incas

It is said that over 900 years ago, around 1100 CE the Incas migrated to the Cusco valley, seeking a new home for their community. This rich Inca history is embedded deep in the heart of the Cusco region; from the famous 6,000km Great Inca Trail, originally established as a communication pathway between other South […]


Global Big Day 2018

Here at Inkaterra our feathered friends are a key part of everyone’s experience, be that for our guests or our Explorer Guides, birds are paramount. With a total of 814 bird species spreading their wings at our properties, Inkaterra is a bird watcher’s Paradise. That’s why each year we get excited for Global Big Day, […]
