Search Results for: conservation

Four ways Inkaterra help the planet

Last weekend, eco-conscious citizens around the world celebrated Earth Day, an annual event supporting environmental protection. For Inkaterra, it’s not just a great way to celebrate the achievements we’ve made in conservation over the past 43 years, but a chance to educate travellers and local communities on the importance of sustainability and eco-tourism. In light […]


Month in review: March 2018

From winning awards and hosting workshops, to celebrating colourful Peruvian gastronomy, it’s been an active month at Inkaterra. Want to take a peek at what we’ve been up to? Here’s a snapshot of our achievements over the past month, from the Andes to the heart of the Amazon: Die Goldene Palme 2018 Award (Germany) We […]


Inkaterra celebrates: International Save Bears Day

Back in 2001, we opened the doors to our Andean Bear Sanctuary – a haven of safety in the mystical Andean Cloud Forest. The number of Andean Spectacled Bears in the wild is rapidly decreasing, and the furry-faced species has been identified by IUCN as having a vulnerable conservation status. The pioneering conservation programme, which takes residence […]


Eco-Traveller's Choice

As we become more educated and exposed to the effect we have on the environment, many of us are starting to make frequent eco-conscious decisions. This extends to our travel itineraries, with 65% of global travellers intending to stay in ‘green’ accommodation at least once, according to in their 2017 survey. This is a […]


Filming in Peru with Werner Herzog

Over forty years ago – with no more than a spoken word and a handshake – our Founder and CEO, José Koechlin, became co-producer of what is now considered one of the greatest films of all time, and a turning point in the development of tourism in Peru  – Aguirre, the Wrath of God. Both […]


2017 All Wrapped Up – Inkaterra's Highlights

Here at Inkaterra, we’re both grateful and delighted to say that 2017 has been another action-packed year. As we move into the New Year, we thought we’d share some of our 2017 highlights; from the launch of Inkaterra Guides Field Station in the Amazon rainforest of Southern Peru and being included within three of Condé […]


Twitchers Flock to Twitter

At Inkaterra we pride ourselves on the protection of the native exotic birds that call Peru home. With a total of 814 species of bird living around our properties, birdwatching is hugely a popular offering amongst Inkaterra guests of all ages. As social media becomes increasingly synonymous with our favourite hobbies, twitchers flock to Twitter […]


Recent Sightings at Inkaterra

At Inkaterra a key part of our ethos is striving for excellence in geotourism and conservation and this includes educating ourselves and our guests. It is for this reason that we revel in catching a glimpse of the local flora and fauna that call Inkaterra home, and the last month has proven terrifically exciting for […]


The Andean Spectacled Bear Programme

Here at Inkaterra, we’ve got something to ROAR about; we’re delighted to announce an exciting new offering at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel, offering our guests a unique insight into the day-to-day existence of the real life Paddington Bears.  With next year set to mark the 60th anniversary of the internationally loved Peruvian bear, we […]


Rutland Birdfair 2017

This weekend, twitchers and wildlife enthusiasts from all over the world flocked to the Rutland Water Nature Reserve in England for the 2017 annual Birdfair. Bringing together people and companies from across the whole spectrum of the birdwatching industry, the Birdfair offered educational lectures and hundreds of stands from exhibitors showcasing everything from binoculars and […]
