
The Amazon’s Newest Influencer:

The capybara, the largest rodent in the world, has achieved something truly remarkable: capturing the hearts of millions across the globe. With its calm demeanor and ever-friendly face, it’s easy to understand why it has become a global sensation. But what exactly makes it so popular? Keep reading to find out.

A Giant with a Heart of Gold
Imagine a rodent that can weigh over 100 pounds, yet remains so irresistibly cute that you just want to hug it. That’s the capybara, or “ronsoco,” as it’s known in Peru. With its friendly face and sociable nature, it’s impossible not to adore it. Found in the Peruvian Amazon, particularly in the wettest areas between rivers and swamps, its short brown fur blends seamlessly with the natural surroundings. A skilled swimmer, the capybara thrives in wetlands, always surrounded by its family. Beyond melting hearts, this remarkable creature plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, helping maintain the balance of wetlands and preserving the region’s biodiversity.

A Global Sensation
Thanks to its adorable expressions and laid-back attitude, the capybara has evolved from being a wild animal to a viral phenomenon. From videos of it basking in the sun to memes celebrating its “zen” lifestyle, this animal has taken over social media. And it’s no wonder! Its popularity has even inspired countless people to travel to the Amazon to witness it in its natural habitat.

If you’ve ever dreamed of seeing a capybara in its natural environment, Inkaterra invites you to make that dream come true. At Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica and Inkaterra Hacienda Concepcion, both located in the heart of the Peruvian jungle, you can embark on excursions to observe these adorable creatures in their peaceful natural habitat.

Don’t miss the chance to meet the Amazon’s newest influencer! Book your experience now and live the adventure!