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Hacienda Concepción
Thank you all for everything. It was truly. A treat and adventure to experience a very little of life on the Amazon. The resort was perfect and the staff very friendly and helpful. I would like to single out two of the staff wich were just great, Rodrigo our waiter for dinner couldn’t be more gracious and charming and our guide Alberto. Alberto’s knowledge and keen senses really helped us to start to understand the breath and wonder offered by the great amazon. He is great to walk and observe, and his explanation really tie the eco- system together. Thanks again.
Craig & Sharon Sakai – May 2018
Absolutely loved it here! Lovely área, lovely rooms, very friendly and helpful staff. Excelent foods and drinks specially the “Pisco Sours”. Tour guides excellent. Will definitely recommend! A wonderful experience in all!.” – Alison & Paul Barlow – May 2018
“What a fantastic start to our South American adventure. Alan, our explorer guide showed us more things in three days than we would have thourgh possible. We´ve enjonyed every single moment of our stay here. Fantastic location, great service.
Vince & Julie Hunt – May 2018

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