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inkaterra hacienda concepcion
All activities and excursions are subject to change depending on weather conditions.

Half Day Excursions

  • Gamitana Farm

    Navigate towards Gamitana Creek and walk through the Model Farm. Learn about the community projects of ITA-Inkaterra Asociación (NGO) and the importance of farm work in Madre de Dios, one of the primary economic activities. Taste seasonal fruits and crops, either on site or later on with your meals.

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty Level: I

    Attractions: Birds / Native skills / Native food / Canoe

  • Cacao

    Visit the cacao plantation at Inkaterra Hacienda Concepción and take part of the chocolate making process. Learn how to select the fresh cacao fruits and discover how the seeds are fermented and sundried. After peeling the toasted cacao seeds and grinding them into an aromatic paste, end the excursion with a selection of treats made from our organic chocolate.

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty Level: I

    Attractions: Medicinal Plants / Native Food / Native skills

    Recommended for children

  • Brazil Nut

    Take a walk within the hotel grounds to a small hut where our Explorer Guides will teach you about the importance of the Brazil Nut Tree in the local economy of Madre de Dios. Learn how the Brazil nut is collected using traditional tools and techniques, to finally enjoy a fresh Brazil nut.

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty Level: II

    Attractions: Medicinal Plants / Native Food / Photography

    Recommended for children

  • Cocha

    Take a rowing canoe ride on the Inkaterra Hacienda Concepción oxbow shaped lake. Enjoy the scenery, observing hoatzins (Opisthocomus hoazin), a diversity of fly catchers, and graynecked woodrails (Aramides cajanea). Appreciate the remains of the renowned Fitzcarrald steam boat. Learn about its history and how it inspired Inkaterra to ask Werner Herzog to film the award-winning “Fitzcarraldo” (Best Director at Cannes, 1982).

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty Level: I

    Attractions: Birds / Fishing / Ants / Canoe / Photgraphy

    Recommended for children

  • Canopy Walkway

    A 25-minute ride by motorized canoe takes you to the Inkaterra Canopy Walkway Interpretation Center. After ascending the first tower, at 95 feet (29 mts.) above the forest floor, you will literally walk through the treetops for one-and-a-half hours along suspension bridges that link eight observation platforms. Enjoy landscapes and vistas that would be unimaginable from below, while on the look-out for giant strangler fig trees, orchids, toucans, woodpeckers, trogons and –with luck- birds of prey, monkeys or sloths. After your descent from the Canopy, experience the Anaconda Walk for about 15 minutes along the 200-meter wooden bridge over the wetland. In this lush ecosystem, you may observe the various species of amphibians, birds, mammals and abundant flora and trees of this seasonal flooded marshland.

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty Level: II

    Attractions: Birds / Frogs / Ants / Astronomy / Photography

    Recommended for children

  • Lake Sandoval

    Walk into the Tambopata National Reserve through terra firma forest, towards Lake Sandoval. Then navigate by dugout canoe around this beautiful oxbow lake. Learn about the reserves conservation efforts, the lake formation, the water palms (Mauritia flexuosa) and the animals that inhabit this lake such as the endangered giant river otters (Pteronura brasiliensis), blue and yellow macaws (Ara ararauna), red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus), black caimans (Melanosuchus niger), and one of the world’s biggest fresh water scaled fish, paiches (Arapaima gigas). (Limited access during months of rain).

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty Level: II

    Attractions: Birds / Ants / Canoe / Photography

    Recommended for children (except during the months of rain, Dec.- Mar.)

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