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inkaterra hacienda urubamba

Complimentary Excursions

  • Chicha de Jora

    Preparation of the ancestral Chicha de Jora beverage. Take part of the harvesting, grinding, fermenting, and tasting of your own Inca drink.

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty level: I


  • Twilight mountain

    Trail walk at sunset. Take advantage of the evening to appreciate the magic effect of the sun between day and night. Enjoy the sunset while learning about the importance of astronomy in the Andean world.

    Duration: 1/4 day

    Difficulty level: II

    Attractions: Medicinal plants / Astronomy

  • Birds of Urubamba

    Bird watching around the hotel. Use the various trails to look for birds in the valley. From hawks to hummingbirds, discover how they interact with their environment.

    Duration: 1/4 day

    Difficulty level: II

    Attractions: Birds /  Photography

  • Challa Huasi Trail

    Walk along the hillside Huasi Challa. Climb along the hill Huasi Challa (meaning “house of the viewer”) looking for the best view of Huayoccari.

    Duration: 1/2 day

    Difficulty level: II

    Attractions: Birds / Medicinal plants / Photography

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Andalucía 174, 15074 Miraflores – PERU
T (+511) 610 – 0400 Anx. 130 – 131 – 132
T (+511) 610 – 0404
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1 866 242 2889  
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